Saturday 11 January 2014

A 24-year Old Man Wakes Up In Mortuary After Being Confirmed Dead(Pictured)

living dead
A dead Kenyan woke up in the mortuary after he was pronounced dead leaving hospital staff in shock.
24-year-old Paul Mutora, had been confirmed dead over 15 to 20 hours before the chilling discovery was made by the hospital workers.
Paul Mutora who died as a result of a suicide attempt and was already in the mortuary chambers ready to be embalmed had the hosptal staff taking to their heels as he started to call for help in one of the chambers.
The Mirror News reports:
KTN Kenya said that several mortuary attendants ‘took to their heels’ when Mr Mutora woke up inside one of the mortuary chambers where he was due to be embalmed and started calling for help.
Mr Mutora, from Limuru, had been rushed to the hospital where he was later pronounced dead after drinking insecticide following an argument with his father.
Hospital superintendent Dr Joseph Mburu said that the anti-poison drugs given to Mr Mutora upon arriving in the hospital may have been responsible for giving the false impression of death.
Hospital superintendent Dr Joseph Mburu said that the anti-poison drugs given to Mr Mutora upon arriving in the hospital may have been responsible for giving the false impression of death.
He said: “The effect of atropanes can sometimes cause slowing of heart rate and dilution of the pupils.
“These two observations are used to make the conclusion that someone has lost their life.”
Mr Mutora is now recovering from his ordeal in a ward after being transported back by staff.
According to All Africa, Mr Mutora said: “This was a mistake from the start.
“I apologise to my father as I prepare to go and take care of my wife and child.”
Although doctors say that Mr Mutora is now out of danger family members blame the hospital for being careless.
An investigation as to how a patient was pronounced dead when he was still alive has since been launched by the hospital.

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